
my dad wrote a porno live

my dad wrote a porno live tour
I honestly don't remember where I first heard about the My Dad Wrote A Porno podcast... it may have been on one of those lists of "50 podcasts you should be listening to" or something.

But I decided to give it a go, and have been hooked ever since.

If you're not familiar with the podcast, Jamie Morton (in the centre) has a dad who self publishes erotic fiction under the nom de plume Rocky Flintstone. I say erotic, but it's some of the weirdest, least erotic, badly written erotica ever to appear in print. And he decided to get together with two of his best mates, James Cooper and Alice Levine, and read the book chapter by chapter, with James and Alice providing blow by blow (pun very much at your discretion) commentary.

They're currently near the end of Book 3, and it's ridiculous, but at the same time, genuinely hilarious.

And they've now gotten infamous enough to be able to do a live tour. They started in the UK, they've doing Australia and New Zealand currently and they're headed to the US in October.

But Wednesday night was Adelaide's turn.

The show is structured around the reading of "Belinda Blinked: The Lost Chapter". And it's supposedly so bad that even Rocky decided not to include it in one of the books. I'll be honest though, there have been worse chapters, plot wise.

They've obviously done everything that they can to ensure that the show feels like the podcast, but clearly both James and Alice have heard this chapter a number of times, and there are a number of "scripted" responses. I also think it's a show that won't always feel the same as I'm sure that while they have points they want to hit, there's also a lot of room for them to just play depending on both the room and how they're feeling on any given day.

There's also a small amount of audience participation in the show, most of which I think works pretty well in the context of the show (I'm not completely sure about the point of having someone in the audience read one of the characters lines... maybe it works in the UK, if they can actually find someone with the particular accent needed, but it just felt a bit pointless otherwise).

Normally the podcasts are between about 35 and 40 minutes, so a roughly two hour live show (including the intermission) is triple that, but weirdly it still felt too short.

The three of them are all people you'd just like to hang out with and have a drink or two. Jamie is velvet voiced and cuddly, Alice is just the right amount of acidic and world weary and James may very well be Too Gay To Function but is also easy on the eye.

It was absolutely too much fun though, and I laughed my proverbial ass off.

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