some proper saturday shopping

pedal shopping cartYou know those days when you say to yourself "I need to buy blah and blah and blah"... and then you come home and you've bought a bunch of stuff, but none of the stuff you expected to.

Today was one of those days.

Not the Supermarket Safari part, that was about the same as usual, although I got lots and lots and lots of green ingredients with which to finally make green soup.

Once we were done with that we headed off to Marion since there was a bunch of stuff that Ma wanted to look at in various stores, all of which were at Marion. For my part, I wanted some cord for the little basil seed bottle (but there wasn't really anywhere that would have had what I wanted), a new watch battery (I keep thinking my watch is losing time, but it seemed fine today) and a new case for my glasses (I'm not completely sure what I want, and I only saw a couple of versions today) since the hinge is going on the one I have.

That didn't work out so well (although I have perfect good reasons for that)...

But we did end up looking at the Christmas decorations in both Big W and David Jones... I know, Christmas decorations and it's only September... the world is coming to an end, however Ma and I became part of the problem. Not only did we look at the decorations, but we ended up buying some.

In my defence, I bought two more toy soldiers (help, it's officially an addiction) and some new fairy lights (which are for all year and I've been planning to get them for the last two years), so not anything really that Christmas related. Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Ma also bought a couple of new saucepans, and since they were so cheap I got one too, specifically for making Smashed Broccoli in... and it's red... so, bonus!

Once we'd bought everything we dropped it all back into the car and went back into Marion in search of lunch. But the Marion food court is pretty much like a lot of other food courts, tempting in theory, but often disappointing in practice. In the end we went and got the Mediterranean Platter at Spargos instead.

Turned out to be quite nice... particularly the marinated squid, the rice balls and the haloumi cheese... but we left most of the salad and an unidentifiable thing in a gravy boat.

And that was about the size of it really...

Now all I have to do it put the new lights up! Although that may need to wait until I have some hooks.

Current Mood:

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