street dreams

store's girlWell, I took myself off to the Street Dreams dumpster exhibition this evening and had a bunch of things happen that were so outside the realm of normality for my life...

The first was that that I saw street art being applied live and in person... and more specifically, Benzo, Fred Rock and Store...

Which was pretty damn amazing... I've seen the results, I've seen timelapse footage of street art being done, but I've never seen it done live. And between the three artists, it was great to watch them work... Benzo hanging off the sides of buildings, Fred Rock working really fast and Store creating the gorgeous woman above. And especially because I got there before the tattoos were applied to her arm and she was outlined in green...

And I spoke to both Benzo and Fred Rock... and can I just say... "I AM A GIANT GEEK"... I don't think I descended to the level of people backing away slowly, but geek is definitely the most accurate definition.

It was also good to put some faces to names... but odd in a couple of instances where the names didn't exactly fit my preconception.

matt stuckey's dumpsterI also bought art... dumpster art... but not Benzo's piece, which was my original plan.

Instead, I fell completely in love with the piece that Matt Stuckey (he of the parking ticket machine art) did...

There were a couple of others that I liked, but the ones I really could have taken home were a little out of my price range.

I'm going to go back and pick the dumpster up tomorrow afternoon, since Ma and I are going to the movies we can swing past after.

Now I just have to work out where the hell I'm going to put it...

The third unexpected/impossible thing I'm going to keep to myself for the minute... but if it pans out, it's one of those things that is something I'd never expect to happen to me. I guess we'll see...

But it's very exciting news. Slightly terror inducing, but exciting...

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