all done

stop signWell that's it... that's all she wrote... the fat lady has sung... the curtain has come down... don't let the door hit me in the ass on the way out...

No more work... *sigh*

I mean I knew this was coming... I've been working with a different group this week getting their website up and running, but the whole change of circumstance is still a kick in the head.

As was the fact that when I went upstairs this morning to drop the last of the Last Man graphic novels back to Sugarmonkey (I finished them last night... loved, loved, loved, loved!) I discovered that due to a need for a slight staff rearrangement my former desk is now home to somebody else from the team. Which was a little confronting I have to say... to see the desk you've so recently occupied covered in another person's stuff... weird, confronting and I have to say, I didn't like it so much. It kinda threw me for the rest of the day actually... not in a big way, but it just made me a little edgy I think.

So yeah... I have no idea what happens now... I'm going to take tomorrow totally "off"... maybe finally catch up on some of the DVD miniseries that I hadn't gotten around to watching yet, make something involved and overly complicated for dinner using up whatever's in my fridge.

Then, come Monday I'm finally going to start up my walk again... I mean technically I could have started again any time in the last couple of weeks, but I had a whole morning system down, and, well, the short version is that I've been lazy. But sadly the combination of having disposable income, being able to buy whatever food I might happen to want on a given day and not walking is starting to tell a little bit. I can feel a couple of my already slightly snug shirts getting snugger... and my dress pants were possibly feeling a little tighter in the last couple of weeks. I mean, sure, it could all be in my head, but I will admit that I've probably been eating a lot more crap than usual.

At some point I really need to catch up with Sheba... I mean, it's been over six months... plus she still has Ma's copy of Kinky Boots, so I need to get that back...

The downside is that my lack of working happens to coincide with the start of the school holidays, so the Brat Army will be out in force the next two weeks... joy of joys... not!

Well, that and the whole lack of money thing...

Current Mood:

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