songbird template

songbird templateAhhhh... that's better... New Template Time....

Actually I'm not sure just exactly how pleased I am with this particular template, but I was heartily fed up with the Christmas one (especially now that that whole Christmas/New Year season is officially behind us... if only by a couple of days). And today was kind of the first day that it's really been cool enough, weather wise, to actually for a coherent thought long enough to come up with a new template.

I also knew that I very much wanted something purple, but it seemed like a lot of the stuff I'd been taking photographs of during the period of my blue template was also blue...

I even thought about going all the way back to my green gumleaf template and just re-using it... always a bad sign when you think about re-using something rather than creating something new.

In the end I didn't go with something that was actually purple, but something I turned purple...

songbirdThe original street art was in black and white, so it was pretty easy to just make it purpley...

I keep calling this one a songbird, because I'm not sure what else to call it... it seems a little bit peacock, but it's perching on something, and I didn't think that peacocks did that...

I took the shot during "Cycle Four" of my Sidestreet wanderings and it was part of a really huge mural down near Hindley Street which basically took up the length of the back of whatever the building was... and was broken up between these sizeable "panels" which had coloured "text" (I put it in inverted commas because while I'm sure it WAS text, I sure as hell couldn't read it) and the "pillars" between them, which is where all these bits of black and white artwork were.

I also didn't realise until I looked at the photos again, but if you looked at the wall as a whole it was kinda of like a black and white forest with this rainbow coloured set of words in it. Purdy...

The other thing I did was to go through the sidebar and clear some stuff out, move some stuff around, delete some links, that kind of thing... and I did the same with my blogroll, just to simplify the whole thing down again.

But anyway, the purple songbird will suffice until either I find something completely and totally perfect for a new template, or I go to Sydney, since I'm sure I'll come back with SOMETHING that will make a decent template.

Current Mood:

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