fall down go boom

Owey owey owey owey...

Stoopid rubber ankles...

I have very loose joints (I'm sure there's a cool and overly complicated medical term for it, but I have no idea what that would be), which means that I've dislocated my shoulder three times, had a shoulder reconstruction, and have ankles that occasionally go out from under me for no apparent reason... thank you Ma! Although I do have to say that there are some times that the rubber ankles that make me trip are the same rubber ankles that save me from falling, because they're so flexible....

But not today... I was on the first leg of my walk and wasn't completely paying attention to where I was walking, mistepped, or something, and my ankle went out from under me and BOOM, down I went...

As always I saved myself on the heels of my hands and a knee (it's just instinct), but once again I not only skinned my knee, but also managed to put a big ass tear in my pants. Luckily this time it was a pair of jeans and the tear just goes straight across at the knee, so it just looks like I'm a little retro...

All of the other times I have fallen (and I can think of at least three or four off the top of my head) has while wearing dress pants, which pretty much means I need a new pair of pants... and only one of those times was when I was on the way HOME... less fun...

At least this time I'm not bleeding...

Current Mood: ow!

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